I often go to torrent search engines like mininova.org or isohunt.com to look for torrent files that I want to download. Sometimes the torrent files on one site are not available, but are on another site and I’ve found it necessary to visit multiple torrent sites – Google and Bing are just not that good when it comes to indexing torrents.

Lately, I discovered a great site that searches multiple torrent search engines so users can search on only one page. Before going further, also read my previous posts on how to make your own torrent and how to use uTorrent, my favorite torrent downloader.

The Scrapetorrent.com engine searches popular torrent trackers when you query a keyword. Users can also suggest trackers that they want to be added on the engine. As of this writing, there are about 280 torrent trackers added on the list and about 200 of them are active – some are probably shut down by the enemies of P2P sharing like RIA.

The site offers two types of search; the basic and TV mode. With basic mode you can search for music, software, video, and other types. You can also filter out torrents with no more seeds and duplicates:

The search results are presented with necessary torrent statistics like file size, seed and downloader counts.

The bottom of the page contains how many torrents are found on each portal:

The other mode, searching by TV episodes lets you enter a title of the show and choose a specific season and episode to search. There is also a link for the recent episode of the show.

If you love downloading content from torrents, Scrapetorrent.com is a good first place to search. Since it can search multiple torrent sites at once, you can optimize your search time and get the best torrent file with the most number of seeds.

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Posted By George September 27, 2009


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